CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows worked on projects to forge and strengthen connections among collections, digital technologies, and current research.

The projects and publications featured here represent a selection of the work undertaken by CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows and alumni.

Curated Futures Project: The Third Library is Possible

These collaborative projects not only speculate about aligning academic libraries with social impact, but they also provide demonstrative examples in a variety of mediums including podcast conversations, gamifying digital humanities, and mapping visualizations.

Illustration of a cat with a rocket strapped to its back.

Profiles in Data and Software Curation

This four-part series highlights the achievements of former CLIR data and software curation fellows. Inna Kouper interviewed eleven former data and software curation fellows who received fellowships between the years 2015 and 2018. The work of these and 40 more fellows was made possible with the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

A Splendid Torch: Learning and Teaching in Today’s Academic Libraries

Six essays, written collaboratively by current and former CLIR postdoctoral fellows, explore the contributions that today’s academic libraries are making to learning and teaching. Topics include the continuing evolution of the learning commons, information literacy instruction, digital humanities teaching in libraries, spatial literacy, collaboration in digital special collections, and 3-D printing and pedagogy.

The Process of Discovery: The CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program and the Future of the Academy

This volume celebrates the first decade of CLIR’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program by bringing together 20 past and present CLIR postdoctoral fellows to share their thoughts on their experiences and, more broadly, on the direction of academia. Each essay is a look into the working conditions associated with creating a new profession of expertise and responsibilities in response to emerging forms of scholarly communication and pedagogy.

Building a Global Digital Archive

Recording: Join CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship alumni Rachel Deblinger and Kimber Thomas as they discuss a recent collaborative project to create metadata-focused documentation for The Modern Endangered Archives Program (MEAP). MEAP funds the digitization and documentation of at-risk cultural heritage collections worldwide.

CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship in Energy Social Science Data Curation Series Part I: Efficiently Tracking Scholarly Output

"This blog post kicks off a four-part series about my work with energy social science data curation at the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries (University Libraries hereafter) and the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation...."

Capacity Assessment of Latin American and Caribbean Partners: Report of Symposium and Recommendations

In April 2020, the authors, CLIR fellows in the second cohort of Data Curation for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, virtually convened Capacity Assessment of Latin American and Caribbean Partners: A Symposium about Open Access, Technological Needs, and Institutional Sustainability.

3D/VR in the Academic Library: Emerging Practices and Trends

This volume, comprising eight chapters from experts in a variety of fields, examines the use of three-dimensional (3D) and virtual reality (VR) technologies in research and teaching, and the library’s vital role in supporting this work.​

Black Women and Resilient Creativity in the Rural South

This article utilizes the interdisciplinary tools of material culture and oral history to explore the ways in which black women from a rural Mississippi community called “the Crossroads” represent—in material form—their social, cultural, and historical experiences.

Colorful projection of computer code on a young woman's head and shoulders.

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences: Early Experiences and Contexts

Since 2012, with the support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and its Digital Library Federation (DLF) program have worked to bring recent PhDs in the sciences and social sciences into libraries and other research support centers to advance services and practices in data curation through two-year postdoctoral fellowship appointments.

#DLFteach Toolkit Volume 2: Lesson Plans on Immersive Pedagogy

The #DLFteach Toolkit Volume 2 focuses on lesson plans to facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary work engaged with 3D technology. As 3D technology becomes relevant to a wide range of scholarly disciplines and teaching context, libraries are proving well-suited to coordinating the dissemination and integration of this technology across the curriculum.

Colorful computer code receding into the background.

Supporting Software Preservation Services in Research and Memory Organizations

This white paper from the Software Preservation Network’s Research-in-Practice Working Group presents findings from a survey- and interview-based study of software preservation service providers, including archivists, librarians, preservation specialists, technologists, and other information professionals.

Further projects + Publications

Black at Bryn Mawr (Monica Mercado, Bryn Mawr College, 2014-2016)

Cartographic Perspectives: From the New World to Your World (Lauren Coats, Lehigh University, 2007-2008)

Chymistry of Isaac Newton (Meridith Beck Sayre, Indiana University, 2014-2016)

Early Advertising Collection (Christa Williford, Bryn Mawr College, 2004-2006)

Global Middle Ages (Ece Turnator, Univerity of Texas-Austin, 2013-2015)

The Katrina Thomas Ethnic Wedding Photograph Collection (Tracie Wilson, Bryn Mawr College, 2007-2008)

Likenesses Within the Reach of All: Southern Cartes-De-Visite of the A.S. Williams III Americana Collection (Christopher Sawula, University of Alabama, 2014-2015)

NC SLAAP: The North Carolina Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (Amanda French, North Carolina State University, 2004-2006)

Portraits of Actors, 1720-1920 (Dawn Schmitz, University of Illinois, 2004-2007)

The Roman de la Rose Digital Library (Tim Stinson, Johns Hopkins University, 2006-2008)

The Vault at Pfaff’s – An Archive of Art and Literature by New York’s Nineteenth-Century Bohemians (Meg Norcia, Lehigh University, 2004-2005)

Finding Aid to the Documents Pertaining to the Adjudication of Private Land Claims in California, circa 1852-1892 (Michelle Morton, University of California-Berkeley, 2005-2006)

Theresa Helburn Theatre Collection Guide (Christa Williford, Bryn Mawr College, 2004-2006)

Assessing through Interviews the Data Management Behaviors and Needs of an Earth and Environmental Sciences Academic Department (Ting Wang, Lehigh University, 2012-2014, with Brian Simboli)

Bryn Mawr Women in Science (Jessica Linker, Bryn Mawr College, 2017-2019; Rachel Starry, University at Buffalo, 2018-2020)

Conservation and Digitization: A Technologizing of the Book as an Object (Alberto Campagnolo, Library of Congress, 2016-2018)

Data Management at Vanderbilt University Libraries (Morgan Daniels, Vanderbilt University, 2014-2016)

Demystifying Digital Scholarship: Session 1, McMaster University (Paige Morgan, McMaster University, 2014-2016)

Directions in Digital Humanities (Rachel Deblinger, University of California-Santa Cruz, 2014-2016)

Global News Village: Virtual Information Literacy Learning and Growing Environment (Dawn Schmitz, University of Illinois, 2004-2007)

Providing Access to Restricted Data in Our Institutions (Sarah Pickle, Pennsylvania State University, 2014-2015)

The Role of Interdisciplinary GIS and Data Curation Librarians in Enhancing Authentic Scientific Research in the Classroom. (B. Dewayne Branch, Purdue University, 2012-2014, with M. Fosmire)

Wikidata: Becoming an Editor Workshop (Katherine Thornton, Yale University, 2016-2018)

Athens through a Panoramic Lens (Jacqueline Clements, University of Toronto, 2015-2017)

A Book Fit for Two Kings (Laura Aydelotte, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-2016)

Building a User-Friendly RDM Maturity Model (John Borghi, California Digital Library, 2016-2018)

(Educational) Film of the Week: A Shooting Gallery Called America (NBC, 1975) (Dimitrios Latsis, Internet Archive, 2015-2017)

A Historian in the Stacks: Finding a Professional Home in the Library (Annie Johnson, Lehigh University, 2014-2016)

How Do We Find Geospatial Data? (Smiti Nathan, Johns Hopkins University, 2018-2020)

Identifying and Referencing Network Data (Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014-2016)

Moving Image Archive: New Tools for Digitization work with Educational Films Collection (Dimitrios Latsis, Internet Archive, 2015-2017)

A New Fund of Amusement: Annotating 18th-Century Word Games (Philip Palmer, Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies, UCLA, 2014-2016)

Preserving Digital Scholarship in Perseids: An Exploration (Fernando Rios, Johns Hopkins University, 2015-2017, with Bridget Almas)

Provenance Online Project (Laura Aydelotte, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-2016)

Research Lifecycle Model at UM (Fe Sferdean, University of Michigan, 2012-2014)

The Seaside Research Portal: Archiving the First New Urban Community (Matthew Sisk, Notre Dame University, 2013-2015)

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014-2016)

Soft Architectures, Archives + Technology + Media (Alexandra Chassanoff, MIT, 2016-2018)

Unique at Penn (Mitch Fraas, University of Pennsylvania, 2011-2013)

AlNoamany Yasmin, John A. Borghi. “Towards computational reproducibility: researcher perspectives on the use and sharing of software.” PeerJ Computer Science 4:e163, 2018.

Asher, Andrew D., Lynda M. Duke, and Suzanne Wilson. “Paths of Discovery: Comparing the Search effectiveness of EBSCO Discovery Service, Summon, Google Scholar, and Conventional Library Resources.” College and Research Libraries, July 2013.

Asher, Andrew D. “Paths of Discovery: Metadata/Slavic & East European Information Resources, vol. 8, nos.2/3 (2008): 127-136.

Branch, B.Dewayne. “Libraries and Spatial Literacy: Toward Next-Generation Education.” College & Undergraduate Libraries, vol.21, no.1 (2014).

Brown, Meaghan. “The Fragmented Armada: The Transmission of an Armada News Pamphlet,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 53, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 107-130.

Calvert, Scout. “Second Life Librarianship and the Gendered Work of Care in Technology.”  PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 9, no.2 (fall/winter 2014): 24-42.

Campagnolo, Alberto, Erin Connelly, and Heather Wacha. “Labeculæ Vivæ: Building a Reference Library of Stains for Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts.” Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies 4, no. 2 (2019): 401-416.

Chassanoff, Alexandra, Micah Altman. “Curation as ‘Interoperability With the Future’: Preserving Scholarly Research Software in Academic Libraries.” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, May 23, 2019.

Chassanoff, Alexandra, Yasmin AlNoamany, Katherine Thornton, John Borghi. “Software Curation in Research Libraries: Practice and Promise.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (2018).

Dean, Gabrielle. “Teaching by the Book: The Culture of Reading in the George Peabody Library.” Past or Portal?  Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives (Chicago: ACRL, 2012): 12-23.

Dinsman, Melissa. “The Digital in the Humanities: A Special Interview Series“, Los Angeles Review of Books, March – August, 2016.

Fraas, Mitch. “Primary Sources at a Distance: Researching Indian Colonial Law.” Center for Research Libraries Global Resources Network, vol. 32, no. 1 (2012). See also: Legal Databases: Comparative AnalysisREVIEW: LLMC-DigitalREVIEW: HeinOnline.

Jackson, Timothy F., editor. Selected Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay : An Annotated Edition.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.

Kouper, Inna, Katherine Akers, and Matthew Lavin. “Data Curators at Work: Focus on Projects and Experiences.” Bulletin, vol.40, no.1 (2013): 45-46.

Kouper, Inna, Gretchen Gueguen, Sam Meister, and Trevor Muñoz. “The practice of data curation.” 360o : Analysis and discussion in the round, Archive Journal, 3 (2013).

Kratz, John and Carly Strasser. “Data publication consensus and controversies.” F1000Research, 3:94 (2014).

Littman, Mark, and Todd Suomela. “Crowdsourcing, the great meteor storm of 1833, and the founding of meteor science.” Endeavour, vol 38, no. 2 (2014): 130-138.

Maclachlan, John; Noah Shenker; and Jeff Trzeciak, 2011.  Engaging the campus community through new roles and new relationships: The McMaster University Library Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. College and Undergraduate Libraries, v. 18, p. 200-212.

Miller, Kelly. “The Slavist in the Digital World: Creating Scholarly Resources in Partnership with Librarians at the University of Virginia.” Slavic and East European Information Resources 9:1 (2008): 43-52.

— and Nafpaktitis, Margarita. The Firebird and the Factory: Modern Russian Children’s Books. Exhibition catalog. University of Virginia Library. 2007.

Norcia, Megan A. “Out of the Ivory Tower Endlessly Rocking: Collaborating across Disciplines and Professions to Promote Student Learning in the Digital Archive.” Pedagogy 2008 8(1):91-114.

Palmer, Philip. “An Impression along the Verge: Annotated Books and the Material History of Reading,”  The Center and Clark Newsletter, no.60 (2014) : 4-5.

Quinless, Jacqueline M. and Shahira Khair. “The Enduring Potential of Data: An assessment of researcher data stewardship practices at the University of Victoria,” January 2019.

Rentfrow, Daphnée. “The CLIR Fellowship and Academic Librarianship, or Frodo Meets Google.” In Advances in Librarianship vol. 30, Danuta A. Nitecki and Eileen G. Abels, eds., 2006.

—. “The Content of Collaboration.” EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 42, no. 3 (May/June 2007): 8–9.

—. “Groundskeepers, Gatekeepers, and Guides: How to Change Faculty Perceptions of Librarians and Ensure the Future of the Research Library.” In No Brief Candle: Reconceiving Research Libraries for the 21st Century. Council on Library and Information Resources, 2008.

Rios, Fernando. “The Pathways of Research Software Preservation: An Educational and Planning Resource for Service Development.” D-Lib Magazine vol. 22 no.7/8 (July/August 2016).

Schmitz, Dawn. The Seamless Cyberinfrastructure: The Challenges of Studying Users of Mass Digitization. and Institutional Repositories. Council on Library and Information Resources, 2008.

Shore, Edward. “The Quilombo Activists’ Archive and Post-Custodial Preservation, Part I.” NOT EVEN PAST, March 14, 2019.

—. “The Quilombo Activists’ Archive and Post-Custodial Preservation, Part II.” NOT EVEN PAST, May 13, 2019.

Sisk, Matthew and Heidi Beidinger-Burnett, Lacey Ahern, Michelle Ngai, and Gabrielle Filippelli. 2018. Inconsistent Screening for Lead Endangers Vulnerable Children: Policy Lessons from South Bend and Saint Joseph County, Indiana, USA. Journal of Public Health Policy.

Thornton, Katherine and Euan Cochrane, Thomas Ledoux, Bertrand Caron, and Carl Wilson. 2017. Modeling the Domain of Digital Preservation in Wikidata. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Digital Preservation, Kyoto, Japan.

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. “Digging into Archaeological Data.” EDUCAUSE Review 46(5) (September/October 2011).

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. Female Figurines from the Mut Precinct: Context and Ritual Function. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 240. Fribourg: Academic Press; Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. Contributions to the Guide to Reference. Ed. Robert Kieft. American Library Association, 2008- Foreign Language dictionary entries for Akkadian, Coptic, Egyptian, Hittite, Indo-European, Sumerian, and Syriac.

Watson, Amanda; Amanda French; Patricia Hswe; Christa Williford. “Of Hybrarians, Scholar-Librarians, Academic Refugees, & Feral Professionals.” In #alt-academy: a mediacommons project. Edited by Bethanie Nowviskie. MediaCommons. 2011.

Wrublewski, Donna T., George S. Porter, Joy Painter, Kristin Buxton, and Lindsay B. Cleary. “Evolving library services in the ever-changing world of chemical information: From printed to electronic to networked.” In: 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA. (Unpublished).

Immersive Pedagogy: A Symposium on Humanities Teaching and Learning with 3D, Augmented and Virtual Reality (June 27-28, 2019, Carnegie Mellon University).
Principal Investigator: Lorena Gauthereau, University of Houston
Project Partners: Eric Kaltman, Carnegie Mellon University; Jessica Linker, Bryn Mawr College; Emma Slayton, Carnegie Mellon University; Neil Weijer, Johns Hopkins University; Henry Alexander Wermer-Colan, Temple University; Christopher Young, University of Toronto.

Linking the Middle Ages: Workshop on Linked Open Data and Medieval Studies (May 11-12, 2015, University of Texas at Austin).
Principal Investigator: Ece Turnator, University of Texas at Austin. Project Partners: Alexandra Bolintineanu, University of Toronto; Tamsyn Rose-Steel, Johns Hopkins University; and Bridget Whearty, Stanford University.




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